Atheist Bible Study
A podcast where two Atheists discuss the bible. We focus on the messages, textual inconsistencies, and pseudohistory that is often overlooked. Follow us on Twitter at
Atheist Bible Study
1 Kings 1: Solomon the Baby Ripper
Nicole Demaree and Ashton Demaree
Episode 26
What's the difference between a baby cut in a half and a Ferrari? Solomon didn't have any Ferrari's.
This episode, we're covering 1 Kings Chapters 1-11. David's oldest son learned nothing from his dead older brothers and attempts his own coup. Solomon is ultimately crowned king and David gives him a bit of fatherly advice - mostly he just gives him a list of executions he'd like performed. We also hear the story of Solomon's sharp (and a bit sadistic) wisdom as well as his 1000 wives who will eventually be his downfall.